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Wednesday, June 1

Life Lessons by my mum

Things my mother taught me (but yours might not have)
  • Wear clean underwear when you go out.  Anywhere.
  • Keep your bathroom clean.  Always.  You never know who might drop by.
  • Be nice.  Especially to those dirty people. (just kidding!  She told be to walk fast by the dirty people- being nice sounds better).
  • Stick nothing anywhere that you can't tell me about. (that one was for peas and beans in ears I think- but still applies!)
  • Elbows off the table.
  • Even if you don't think you have to go to the bathroom- try.  You might be surprised.
  • Love with all your heart.
  • Try everything once.  You only have to try it once to know if it's for you.
  • Learn to do everything for yourself.  (this is why I have a toolbag and a drill and several scars)
  • It's probably better than you think.  
  • Why not?
  • If you're not five minutes early you're late.
  • There's always tomorrow.
  • Learn how to cook.  Cooking shares your love with family and friends and brings hours of quiet happiness.
  • Kitchen gadgets are A-mazing.  Gather them around you like diamonds... (I do and she still sends her 'best' gathered ones too!)
  • Crow isn't just a bird, it's also for eating.
  • Good stuff can be old or new, used or found- and comes in many forms and packages.
  • Get excited about the small stuff too.  Sometimes the small stuff really is the best stuff.
  • All that glitters will not pay the rent.
  • If it looks like shit and it smells like shit then sometimes you've gotta dig for the horse.
  • Do good things for other people unexpectedly.
  • 'Buy cheap, pay twice'.
  • 'Touch the brakes like you touch your breasts.  'Lightly, little pressure. little pressure.  No stomping, my neck can't take it'. 
  • Do nice things for yourself.  Wear good fabrics, make-up and knickers.
  • Don't try to colour your own hair.  It's only going to end in green.
  • Feel blessed for the people you have in your life, they love you.
...and always have a spare roll by the loo.

Now, If you need any further instruction then go here and have a laugh!- but know that it's the only right way- the true way is over, not under.


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