this month we've been testing and have LOVED bulletproof!

Upgraded Coffee

Friday, June 17

I bought 'the open jar'.

I know, we've all done it at some stage- for a sniff, a whiff, a quick check or just because we 'think' we know- but want to double check...yes, I'm talking about popping open the jar in the supermarket.  Well, tonight I bought that jar (although technically it was a bottle)- silly me, I didn't check.  And I always check, believe me.

Yep, you can see it there, the ripped label I missed tonight.

I thought my karma was okay these days...?

In any case, I've used it (yummy blue cheese dressing- a treat!) and I haven't met my maker yet.  In fact, I feel fine.  I'm hoping that it was a simple open- like I've done before- snap, sniff, secure- but then I usually buy the one I've opened- not put it back and reach for one that's nice and new, pristine and secure.  Ah, the brutes in Richmond Waitrose!

I was thinking I could return it for a new one- but then that would've meant waiting till tomorrow and I made a lovely salad that was, quite literally, begging for this dressing.  I even put in pine nuts.  Plus, I figure enough food is wasted without me contributing more- and maybe in a little way I felt it was penance for my opening crimes in the past.


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