this month we've been testing and have LOVED bulletproof!

Upgraded Coffee

Friday, May 13

the new wave...

...of things to come? Or maybe they've already been?

...while I was in town the other (month) I saw this.  I remember when we used to ride our bikes to school.  That required calf muscle strength, not foot-push-power.

Whatever happened to bikes with flags and banana seats?  Oh, and those cool streamers we stuck in the ends of the handlebars! What happened to the Trix rabbit?  Flags on bikes- and I do not mean the mobility scooters!

My bike was purple and it has a 'bejewelled' yellow banana seat.  Bejewelled back then was a fancy way of saying 'it sparkles'...I had a flag and some of those cool plastic clippy things on my rims that made a 'tick tick' sound when the wheels went round.  It's be worth a penny or four now I bet.  Wonder what part of the landfill it'd be in? And what it's under...or maybe someone salvaged it and there's another kid's butt on that bejewelled seat now.  I think I had a basket too.  And a bell that was securely fastened...

That said, I am seriously thinking I should get a foot-powered scooter.  All the cool kids have them and I think with my dodgy knees it'd be fun...or fun-ny.


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