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Upgraded Coffee

Wednesday, May 18

Richmond May Day

...was on the 14th of May this year (a bit after the real May day) but it was a success nonetheless.  We didn't think there were as many stalls as years previous but it was still fun and the sun came out periodically and I still managed to bring home a bag (well, hatbox) of treasures.  Definitely not as much stuff as year past (which is a good thing) although still things nonetheless (the boys especially like the vintage cat pillow- although it won't be gracing my bed, sofa or head anytime soon).

 This was a procession through town with an Indian dance troupe.  We saw them dance later in the day and they were fabulous.

The carnival horse merry-go-round was a huge hit- line-ups on all sides and there were kids and teen and 'tweens and adults waiting for their horse, unicorn and stallions. 
Oli- in profile!
Loved it- and the company I had on the day was great too!


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