this month we've been testing and have LOVED bulletproof!

Upgraded Coffee

Friday, June 17

I bought 'the open jar'.

I know, we've all done it at some stage- for a sniff, a whiff, a quick check or just because we 'think' we know- but want to double check...yes, I'm talking about popping open the jar in the supermarket.  Well, tonight I bought that jar (although technically it was a bottle)- silly me, I didn't check.  And I always check, believe me.

Yep, you can see it there, the ripped label I missed tonight.

I thought my karma was okay these days...?

In any case, I've used it (yummy blue cheese dressing- a treat!) and I haven't met my maker yet.  In fact, I feel fine.  I'm hoping that it was a simple open- like I've done before- snap, sniff, secure- but then I usually buy the one I've opened- not put it back and reach for one that's nice and new, pristine and secure.  Ah, the brutes in Richmond Waitrose!

I was thinking I could return it for a new one- but then that would've meant waiting till tomorrow and I made a lovely salad that was, quite literally, begging for this dressing.  I even put in pine nuts.  Plus, I figure enough food is wasted without me contributing more- and maybe in a little way I felt it was penance for my opening crimes in the past.


Wednesday, June 15

After-work-on-Friday-because-it's-summer drink

My new summer after-work-on-a-Friday drink is yummy- moreish and a wee bit of healthy even (well, champagne starts with water, right?!)

Start with:

  • A lovely long glass so you can see the bubbles
  • A splash of Pomegranate & Rose Five Valleys cordial
  • Fill to the top with your favourite bubbly (anything sparkling works- even fizzy H2O)
  • ...then sit back, relax, sip away and enjoy!

Sunday, June 12

Chinese/Japanese Bubble Tea...Boba Tea dreams

ooooh, latest discovery alert!  Tried one of these drinks after a long day in Soho a few months ago and now every time I'm in town I make a pitstop in Chinatown to get one.  This is their latest offering- I think it was dragonfruit and honey and little tapioca pearls instead of the big black ones. At first it felt like I was drinking frog spawn but then I had to chew the 'bubbles' and they didn't squirt open as I reckon tadpoles 'might'- so I drank away!  I prefer the cold ones but you can have it hot, with-or-without milk- but the huge straw isn't an option.  And it's a HUGE straw.  I think that, despite the choking hazard, this (along with a proper dirty, shaken, 3-big-olive martini!) might just well be my favourite drink of all time.

I can't find the Soho shop on a map- but if you're in London it's on Shaftsbury Avenue between Gerrard Place and Macclesfield Street in Soho.  Mmmmmm.  

Last week I had this one with a starbucks-esque topper on it- but usually after they are made for you the girl puts it into this right smart automatic top-sealer machine and you get it with a flat plastic sealed top that you push your huge straw through.  This one spilled a bit when it was in my bag- but not the bubbles- only the lovely sticky pink drink bit- hereby christening my bag with boba tea! Ah, I can't think of a better way to break in a new bag!- although it was an old, ratty bag.  Come to think of it, isn't it time for a bit of bag-buying retail therapy? Come on summer sample sales!  Roll on July (and not just because it's my birthday month)!


Friday, June 10

and the next craze is...


Yep, I've bought some, I've got some and I've given some.  I haven't use one myself yet- for fear of this happening!  Apparently they won't set fire to 'anything' but who knows.  This one has been in a tree down the road for- oh, about a month now.  It hasn't set fire to anything but it sure doesn't look too pretty hanging there.

I got the biodegradable ones and I'm looking forward to going to the seaside to light it and set it afloat- it's made with ricepaper (good fish food) and bamboo sticks and has a wool wick and nothing bad.  Well, nothing bad but a naked flame.  And I'm supposed to call the coast guard to let them know if I let it off at the beach.  And not let it go around dry crops (but I thought it wouldn't set fire to anything?) and I'm actually not supposed to look at it so I might just leave it for now.


I think they are in my life for a tease and a taunt and nothing else.  They surely won't do anyone any damage sitting in their wrappers in my cupboard.  At least until it's safe to use them.  I'm sure I'll get the memo.


Wednesday, June 8

ladies in a (big) boat!

These ladies were making their way up river towards Twickenham at quite a pace- I couldn't get the camera up in time when I first spotted them- so I had to cross the bridge traffic (a feat at noon) to snap this.

The boat looked like a prop from a movie it was so big! Where's the baker?!


Monday, June 6

these days

I've been thinking about how much I can- and can't- live without.  Do I really need the collection of a dozen vintage glass jelly moulds? Do I really have to have the 9-foot old school bench I got off Freecycle a couple of weeks ago? Is it possible to live without scented candles?  Are there times I don't need  to have 6 different graters (even if they are Microplane)? And what about the untold amount of books, magazines, papers and scrapbooks? What about the box full of make-up that mum has sent that I haven't even touched the edges of yet? (I don't get time to! It's constantly being filled)!

I've been thinking and the answer is 'YES'! A resounding YES!  It's not that they make me what I am- they contribute- but it's the little things that make a house a home. And my house is definitely my home.

I think that you can tell a lot about me by what you see when you come to mine.  I like old stuff- I like shiny stuff- and I like nice stuff.  It doesn't matter to me if it's been pre-loved or if it's new- and in fact a lot of my eclectic mix is new- although you'd not be bettered if you thought it was not.  I do love a good bargain and I do enjoy a good afternoon of the local charity shops, that is!

So the jelly moulds can stay, so can the blankets, the books, the pillows, the vintage suitcases (full of other stuff (!), the bags, the pens, the paper and I suppose the make-up.

I can live without fancy wines, fancy clothes and fancy cars.  I can (and do) live with the rain and wind and the London tube, the slow buses and driving on the wrong side of the road.

I'm not too sure I can live without my blankets.  What else sits nicely on a stool, in a cupboard or on the bottom of the bed, keeps you warm, asks for nothing and smells so yummy without calories? Not a dog, not a cat, not a...hmmm, maybe one thing? ha!

I have a little fridge- which forces me to shop almost daily- and little-to-no freezer space- which forces me to use what I have.  I haven't ever had a time in my life when I didn't have 'things'- they might have been second-hand, they might have been gifts, found- or yes, even handmade by me.

I have a friend who used to pack a bag every month or so- and get rid of whatever didn't fit.  Now he's got a wife, a couple of children, a big house, a couple of vehicles and a room 'just' for sports stuff.  He's succumbed to 'stuff' but I'm not too sure whether or not he's realised that 'stuff' is actually okay.


Saturday, June 4

more birds

Unfortunately it's NOT the ratbird that squawks outside my window at 4am.

I think everyone on my side of the tracks saw this a few weeks ago.  Just thought I'd take a moment to honour it.


Friday, June 3


This poor creature. 

Imagine, just imagine if someone did this to a human.  Just imagine!

For humane purposes I have tried to blur out the actual face (and ears!) of the friends in this photo- an archaic ritual for graduating students at my high school 20 years ago...
Ah, the days.


Wednesday, June 1

Life Lessons by my mum

Things my mother taught me (but yours might not have)
  • Wear clean underwear when you go out.  Anywhere.
  • Keep your bathroom clean.  Always.  You never know who might drop by.
  • Be nice.  Especially to those dirty people. (just kidding!  She told be to walk fast by the dirty people- being nice sounds better).
  • Stick nothing anywhere that you can't tell me about. (that one was for peas and beans in ears I think- but still applies!)
  • Elbows off the table.
  • Even if you don't think you have to go to the bathroom- try.  You might be surprised.
  • Love with all your heart.
  • Try everything once.  You only have to try it once to know if it's for you.
  • Learn to do everything for yourself.  (this is why I have a toolbag and a drill and several scars)
  • It's probably better than you think.  
  • Why not?
  • If you're not five minutes early you're late.
  • There's always tomorrow.
  • Learn how to cook.  Cooking shares your love with family and friends and brings hours of quiet happiness.
  • Kitchen gadgets are A-mazing.  Gather them around you like diamonds... (I do and she still sends her 'best' gathered ones too!)
  • Crow isn't just a bird, it's also for eating.
  • Good stuff can be old or new, used or found- and comes in many forms and packages.
  • Get excited about the small stuff too.  Sometimes the small stuff really is the best stuff.
  • All that glitters will not pay the rent.
  • If it looks like shit and it smells like shit then sometimes you've gotta dig for the horse.
  • Do good things for other people unexpectedly.
  • 'Buy cheap, pay twice'.
  • 'Touch the brakes like you touch your breasts.  'Lightly, little pressure. little pressure.  No stomping, my neck can't take it'. 
  • Do nice things for yourself.  Wear good fabrics, make-up and knickers.
  • Don't try to colour your own hair.  It's only going to end in green.
  • Feel blessed for the people you have in your life, they love you.
...and always have a spare roll by the loo.

Now, If you need any further instruction then go here and have a laugh!- but know that it's the only right way- the true way is over, not under.


Welcome June!

Roll on the 21st and the official start of summer!
(bunny courtesy of the 2007 bumper season on bunnylane, Enterprise Way, in beautiful Kelowna, BC Canada)