Well, the next door neighbour kindly got his son a set of drums for Christmas...or birthday (another January baby?!)- or whatever, the drums have appeared. I'm guessing this as they appeared today- I say 'appeared' but I mean 'stormed into my lounge'! I hope it's a passing phase as I do not relish knocking on their door...but I will if I have to. Courtesy, people, courtesy.
It's been a flying day getting ready to go to LA for 10 days to a work conference, been studying and studying and trying to make sense of some of this stuff. I forgot I had a hair appointment (couldn't cancel the day before!) so that put a stopper in my afternoon- and I've got a ton to do before I farewell these digs tomorrow- I always like to come home to clean sheets, clean towels, no dishes in the dishrack, no dirty clothes awaiting my attention and nothing speaking to me when I open the fridge...so I've been sweeping, washing, sorting, folding and scrubbing and I'm almost there.
Then there's connecting with a few people before I go...well, it's a nice thought but might have to save a few for when I'm back. Correction. I will have to save a few for when I get back.
Have had an interesting week with birthdays, stockings, the theatre and to top it off Billy Connolly. All of these had a general thread of connection and that would have to be...ME. I finally broke down and bought some stockings the other day. I had to- it's been -4! So even though my legs are having pseudo-sunburn (psycho-sunburn?)- I don't know, whatever, they feel like they are on fire but look normal- and it hurts to cover them- but the -4 nights are hurting more! So I bought some stockings thinking they were hold-ups and they were not. I tried to wear them anyways, walked about 100m, stopped and took them off- they were almost off anyways. A few days later I got some that I didn't need suspenders for- and they were a minor success. Legs still burning but not as cold, therefore not as pink, therefore not as 'who-does-she-think-she-is-with-bare-legs-in-winter'-esque. All good.
Saw a theatre production in the city and it definitely wasn't the best one I've been to, and I wouldn't recommend it- and although I slapped-up up, dressed-up and actually went up, there was definitely no chat-up as even though it was a 'man-fest' all the men present were looking for something I don't presently have…another man. Yup, they were lovely, they were pretty and a lot appeared available- but they weren't looking for ladies- they were lookin' fo' laydees.
Now, last night at Billy Connolly I laughed till my cheeks hurt. Then I laughed till my tummy hurt. Then he said the 'cee' word a few too many times and it just wasn't funny anymore. He made up for it- but I think he lost quite a few of us as there really was no point to that much use of that word- and everyone I was there with agreed. It was still a bloody brilliant show though.
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