this month we've been testing and have LOVED bulletproof!

Upgraded Coffee

Friday, October 22

found things.

I've been tidying up- well, I've been sifting through two red-riding-hood baskets of paper, debris and flotsam and jetsam for a couple of days now- all removed from the dining table when the boys came for dinner on the weekend!

Discovered a few things- a handful of batteries, several notes to myself and an address book that seems to have been missing for AGES.  Now to update it...I found a nappy pin that was mine when mum was brave enough to use cloth nappies (oh how noble!)- does that count as vintage?- if not now then when?!; I found some pens I've replaced several times (at less than a fiver each I'm not too worried about having several; I'm just long on pens for the moment); I've uncovered some business cards for contacts from a conference a few weeks ago and several vouchers that I'd better get my a-into-g and use before they expire.

I think that found possessions aren't so much about being found- just re...discovered.  It's a nice afternoon surprise to see a half used tube of favourite lipgloss, a few more gold-coloured coins than you remembered in the coin dish and that handier-now-than-before book of stamps.  They'll do nicely, thank you red-riding-hood basket(s)!  And the bonus of the day is that now these baskets are emptied of debris I can put them to good use... (read: fill again!)- but perhaps with a bit less; getting ready for Christmas post and essential desk (yes, at the dining table) paraphernalia.javascript:void(0)

Thursday, September 30

making room in the spare room

Last week I moved things around to make room for the essential 'extras' that will soon be delivered- but are only really required once a Christmas decorations (I have a rather large collection that began one fateful Christmas at one of the DisneyWorld hotels- with the assistance of nail clippers and a rather large suitcase); like: 'cool things I may one day need but can't figure out a use for / don't have room for now'; like: three boxes of vintage ribbon and rickrack that I won on a really really good ebay auction; like: camping stuff, hiking stuff, biking stuff (things I never seem to have the time for these days); like: photos from a previous life. 

I've come to several conclusions with the re-arrangement I orchestrated.  I've realised I would like to (finally) buy a house, plant some roots and let things come as they may (of course, with some directional nods from yours truly!). I've realised that although I couldn't live without 'that dress' five years ago it's finally time to give it up- which doesn't mean it no longer has purpose or value- just not for me. 

I've realised that every purchase, every little detail and everything else I bring into my doll-sized space doesn't need to be over-thought, it just needs to be chosen.  'Chosen' implies by it's very nature that there has been thought...possibly not a lot of thought, mind you- but thought nonetheless...

I have never lived in an empty house- growing up we always had four- of EVERYTHING! And even when I was a student- my houses and rooms have always been full- full of memories (which might be a blanket that my grandmother crocheted), full of found treasures (like my collection of vintage glass and linen), full of things-that-I-just-couldn't-live-without like my sewing machine.  Since I've been a proper adult I've acquired more stuff- more blankets, more linens and more glass.  More makeup, more books, more dvds, more cds. More clocks, more baskets and yes, more old suitcases.  The odd mirror.  Maybe one or two bowls.  A couple of framed pictures... You know me well if you know these things.  But the most important thing is you.  And me.  All that stuff is just stuff and if it wasn't here I would still be me and you would still be you and we would still be laughing and having a great time in an empty room.  Well, maybe not empty...

Sunday, September 26

my horoscope last week:

You don't need anyone to tell you what to do today, for you can be your own taskmaster, but you are likely to rebel if someone else tries to take charge. Unfortunately, happiness won't come from rigidly forcing your agenda onto the day. Be flexible, for you could be ready to join in the fun if you can let go of your expectations. Don't hesitate if someone invites you to do something very cool; just say yes.


Friday, September 24

my version of a craving

Mmmmm...cinnamon buns!  Not too sure if this is going to squash whatever it is I've been craving lately- and not really my shining moment as I don't like making pastry of any sort- so it's had a few twists put into the recipe- it needed a bit of Hurley-fying! The instructions on the recipe said to fill the pastry and let it sit overnight (after letting the dough prove and punching it down...)- but it sort of expanded out of the pan I had it in- and I'm at a loose end for bigger pans- so I've had to pull out my casserole pot! Fingers crossed it works and doesn't expand in the next few hours before I bake it! I'll see soon enough and let you know... hour later and just what I thought- EXPANSION!

and now COOKED!
It was okay but I'm sure with practice it would be loooooverly! (but it does sparkle quite nicely!)!

...and no, it didn't curb the craving!

Wednesday, September 22


Don't you just love getting into a freshly made bed? Lovely cool cotton or linen sheets, a big fluffy duvet and so many pillows that you need to throw some off before you actually go to sleep! I love my bed.  I love linen- as most of my friends know, I have several old suitcases stuffed full of linens I've picked up at boot sales, charity shops, white elephant stalls and yes, I admit, I've even accepted the odd piece from friends!  But this is piece is not for the bed as a bed- it's just an accoutrement for the sleeper of the bed.  I usually just shove my pj's under my pillow after I make my bed in the morning...(yes, slovenly ways in bedmaking have no room in my house- thanks to my then-single mum, household chores were drilled into me before I could even write my name!)- but in the olden days they had special Pyjamas cases. In leather. Lined in silk. With special embossing. And it's just small enough to NOT be big enough for my cotton jimjams. One for the 'specials' suitcases...Or maybe I need to rethink what I'm wearing to bed?! Ohhhh, it's getting so cold at night and in the mornings now though- maybe I need to rethink what's in my bed instead of worrying what's under the pillow before I get into bed!

Tuesday, September 21

sleeping on the train...

...on Richmond-Waterloo train on a Tuesday evening in June- as soon as his mate left this guy folded into himself and crashed in an instant! It must've been a hard day- and I bet when he woke up he had a sore neck!

Saturday, September 18

Ode to Dozer

I don't really have an ode to Mary's best friend Dozer- who has succumbed to the ravages of old dog age- but he was a pretty cool old boy- a puppy at heart with the hugest 'woof' I've ever heard- and then a lick to prove him wrong. I remember looking after him- well, my mum had to in the end (thanks to a shoddy US repair job on my CANADIAN jeep)...the guys at the garage in La Jolla thought I wouldn't be able to tell that they'd used an imperial part instead of a metric one...well, I didn't, but the miles after did!

So mum gave Doze a week's food supply each day- and went through the dino-sized bag in a fortnight instead of a month...and there was much evidence to that effect! Not groundhogs digging, just Dozer-sized droppings! He will be sorely missed- but had the best Parent-style life possible.

Thursday, September 16

Tuesday, September 14

walkin' outta his shoes

So I was about 10 feet from the entrance gate to my house and as I looked down to step onto the curb I saw these:

...if you look closely, you'll see that they've been literally walked out of! Way too funny and definitely worthy of a post.

Sunday, September 12

sticks on the footpath

As I was walking home the other night I saw this:

I was hoping beyond hope that it was still there in the morning as the photo I took that night was (not very good)! After thinking about it and seeing the photo I took I thought how sad that I was hoping beyond hope that a random stick was on the footpath in the morning! Anyways, here it is and I'm pleased it was there for me the next day.

Friday, September 10

1970's- carboot style

So I was at a local carboot sale recently and there was a woman there trying to convince me that this 1970's wedding bonnet was from the 1800's... Luckily I wasn't tempted by her whopping £60 pricetag as I know a thing or two about fabrics, styles and 'real life prices' for tat!!!

I did, however, buy the embroidered toaster cover that was sitting underneath said bonnet, as well as a few tatted pieces, assorted doilies and a hand-sewn and embroidered tablecloth...well, I had to give the woman something for taking a photo of history!

Wednesday, September 8

Makin' orange crayons!

This is the BEST video I've seen this week!
Now I just wanna crack open a new box, take a deep breath of the waxy, ever-present school room smell and get on with colouring a rainbow!...or maybe a page of Cinderella...or Elmo...or just get the iron out, a pencil sharpener for trimmings and some wax paper (thanks for sending it, mum!) to make those funky melted creations that really are just a waste of electricity, time and decent crayons- but oh-so-fun to make!

Yep, I reckon if you're a child of the 70's crayon memories are with you for life.

Sunday, September 5

Christmas pincushions made in September...

Well. These were supposed to be Christmas gifts for the Driver (et al.) girls in 2009- so I suppose I'm early for 2010?!

It's taken me about 3 months to find some decent animals at the local charity shops- well, the 'right' kind of animals, that is! They will be privileged residents of Richmond for not much longer- winging their way this week to all corners of the UK and beyond!

Let me know what you think...

Saturday, September 4

Texas- revisited

Not sure if I ever put this on here- but I've been thinking about Texas a lot these past few weeks. This time last year I was there for my (supposed) last visit- and then it was Kyla and Joe's wedding- and Grace & Mur's 40th birthday party. Much thanks to Cliff for pouring the vodka & coke's- to excess (he was on a mission of his own in Seattle)...

This is a Texas Giant Redheaded Centipede - Scolopendra heros- it was squiggling around at the bottom of the pool at the hotel and I had to get the front desk girl to come and help me get it out- YUCK! For a girl who was well-known as 'the bug lady' for years, this face-to-face meeting was one I didn't need to have that morning!

Sunday, August 8


...did I mention I currently have a blanket fetish?! It's actually been going on for some time now- and I'm running out of space to put them. I'm looking forward to a proper house with proper shelves and blanket boxes someday soon.. I buy blankets at charity shops, carboot sales and white elephant stalls- I've been known to drag one across London- on the tube, the bus and finally the ground. I wouldn't part with them for the love of cotton, wool or linen!

Wednesday, August 4

old- made new

I ordered this blanket when I was in New Zealand in March- a lady who works at the Red Cross charity shop in Timaru makes them- and although I wasn’t too sure what I would be receiving I couldn’t have wished for anything better!

She usually makes these just big enough for a travel rug- a bit over your lap when you’re sitting watching tv- or about he size of a cot blanket- so when I asked if she would be willing to make it bigger- well, she panicked a bit!- and told me it’d take a while- but the wait’s been worth it.

I’m thinking she’s put so much thought into the colours- everything has been planned out- it’s not the odds’n’ends blanket you sometimes see- this one’s got hues of colour carefully placed- and I hope she loved making it as much as I love having it in my home now.

I remember my Mama making these sorts of blankets when I was young- and I didn't really give them a second thought- they were always there. But now that I'm older and sometimes longing for those old blankets- well, they are in a vintage steamer trunk in my parent's basement in Canada.

Mama's just sent me some amazing Christmas tree decorations and crocheted doilies- so I'll get a photo of them in the daylight...

these photos just don't do this heartwarming blanket justice!

Monday, April 19

Skippy, found!

While I was in New Zealand in March this year I had the opportunity to spend a fraction of most days in the comfort of local charity shops searching, searching, searching.

I found tablecloths, some old tweed and this bag amongst the rest...and after a good scrub up, Skippy has his racing stripes back! The bag is proper vintage- definitely the Skipster would have gone to a better place by now- so I'm not feeling too guilty about taking him out to the pub last week. Most action he's seen in a long time I'm sure. I rescued him from the floor of a church-run shop and the little old lady charged me $1 for him. $1! Not quite the bargain of the year...but almost!

*Why 'he?'- well, for sure a lady 'roo (a jilly) wouldn't have been caught!

Thursday, March 25

first in a while

I'm...back in my own bed, which I must admit I am really enjoying! After a month away it's so nice to be back home, in my own bed with a fine selection of shoes, knickers and tops to choose from...don't get me wrong, I loved being with the ones I love- and I can live with two tops, one skirt and my converse till I'm see-thought- but it's nice to have choices again!

Thought I'd start back into my blog with a cool site reference- and follow with a photo of tap top charms I picked up on a quick trip to The Barking Fish in Port Chalmers. Unfortunately there is no website for the shop- but if you go to Port- well, there it is. I had a great conversation with local resident/shop owner/jeweller/fount of knowledge Chalky whilst he was smokin' a roll-up at the front shop door with his shaggy standard poodle beside him...sorry, no photo BUT he doesn't look like he owns a jewellery shop, let alone the bob for the tobacco!
After browsing through the shops and galleries that were open that day in Port- and then returning to make my purchase, I was verbally accosted by him...Queue scratchy voice: 'You've already been in and I don't do discounts!'... Legendary! I reckon his is the only shop that's open regular hours and regular days out there- apart from the cafe. That must do something to a man...

Saturday, January 30


Well, the next door neighbour kindly got his son a set of drums for Christmas...or birthday (another January baby?!)- or whatever, the drums have appeared. I'm guessing this as they appeared today- I say 'appeared' but I mean 'stormed into my lounge'! I hope it's a passing phase as I do not relish knocking on their door...but I will if I have to. Courtesy, people, courtesy.

It's been a flying day getting ready to go to LA for 10 days to a work conference, been studying and studying and trying to make sense of some of this stuff. I forgot I had a hair appointment (couldn't cancel the day before!) so that put a stopper in my afternoon- and I've got a ton to do before I farewell these digs tomorrow- I always like to come home to clean sheets, clean towels, no dishes in the dishrack, no dirty clothes awaiting my attention and nothing speaking to me when I open the I've been sweeping, washing, sorting, folding and scrubbing and I'm almost there.

Then there's connecting with a few people before I go...well, it's a nice thought but might have to save a few for when I'm back. Correction. I will have to save a few for when I get back.

Have had an interesting week with birthdays, stockings, the theatre and to top it off Billy Connolly. All of these had a general thread of connection and that would have to be...ME. I finally broke down and bought some stockings the other day. I had to- it's been -4! So even though my legs are having pseudo-sunburn (psycho-sunburn?)- I don't know, whatever, they feel like they are on fire but look normal- and it hurts to cover them- but the -4 nights are hurting more! So I bought some stockings thinking they were hold-ups and they were not. I tried to wear them anyways, walked about 100m, stopped and took them off- they were almost off anyways. A few days later I got some that I didn't need suspenders for- and they were a minor success. Legs still burning but not as cold, therefore not as pink, therefore not as 'who-does-she-think-she-is-with-bare-legs-in-winter'-esque. All good.

Saw a theatre production in the city and it definitely wasn't the best one I've been to, and I wouldn't recommend it- and although I slapped-up up, dressed-up and actually went up, there was definitely no chat-up as even though it was a 'man-fest' all the men present were looking for something I don't presently have…another man. Yup, they were lovely, they were pretty and a lot appeared available- but they weren't looking for ladies- they were lookin' fo' laydees.

Now, last night at Billy Connolly I laughed till my cheeks hurt. Then I laughed till my tummy hurt. Then he said the 'cee' word a few too many times and it just wasn't funny anymore. He made up for it- but I think he lost quite a few of us as there really was no point to that much use of that word- and everyone I was there with agreed. It was still a bloody brilliant show though.


Tuesday, January 26

it's been so long, I wonder if I remember how to!

Kew Gardens, during the snowfall on January 13th (dad's 60th!)

Well, January has almost come and gone but there are still a few days left to squeeze in some good things...

birthday celebrations- how many people do I know with birthdays in January?! It's been birthday overload. I must remember to take extra precautions in March- in fact, make that the last fortnight in February, ALL of March and the first fortnight in April! Not that, in any case, I'm thinking or planning those events at the present time- but these things must be duly noted for future reference!

January has been a good month for
catching-up. On work and play and things that you do in winter. Movies, old friends, new friends and home-cooked meals with my favourite people.

I haven't done any
crafting or had my sewing machine out for an age- and then the other day I noticed that there was a split- UK Women's Bobsled style- in my trousers- my one and only pair of trousers. So out came the machine and lo and behold I made the draft stops for the doors and windowpanes I've been meaning to do for a few months as well! Now onto more birds and cupcakes. Might see if I can find someone to teach me to knit- or crochet!

And let me not forget about
being grateful. I have lovely, kind friends; I have a warm place to eat, work and sleep; I have a smile for everyone I see and mostly these days of our English winter have been not too bad!

This morning I was reminded that thoughts don't come with a spell checker: something that edits and warns before they are spoken! Need to think about that one. Tracyisms abound.

I have had a lot of fun with new friends these past few months and I was thinking about when someone becomes a 'friend' instead of a 'new' friend. Surely there's not a time limit? Is it about shared experiences? Common pursuits? Secrets? Laughter? New Year's Eve and sailing? Cinema and sport? Surely it can't be Monopoly and cards. But I suppose it's all of those things - and so the 'new' just 'are' now.

Hi ho. Work is calling- yelling- my name.