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Saturday, July 26

a plan?

haven't made proper travel plans for ages, don't know where to start...but I do need to get to France for the 25th of August and I need to be back in London by the - oh! the 9th September!!! I thought it was the 2nd. Well, let's hope I can get my shit together cause I don't wanna be driving a smart car on holiday!...and I'm too old to hitch-hike. Plus I haven't used a backpack for years and I am somewhat accustomed to the Mercedes we had hired last time we were in France- although I think I might be riding solo on this trip- so I won't have (or need) any back-up plans. (sorry- this will require some explaining which I was hoping not to do- but here goes...last time we were in France Hamish backed into a huge concrete barrier- which was about 6 feet wide by 4 feet high...hence the 'back-up plan').

I'm wanting to get some Mediterranean sun before
Clémence's wedding on the 30th August and if I'm still not working then why not? Sun anywhere is always a bonus- especially if it's somewhere that's not home!

Today was supposedly the hottest day of summer so far but it was only a humid 27°C. Not hot- just sweaty- thankfully I was only on the bus for a 'brief' 15 minutes to and from Imogen's house this morning!

Have a great rest of your weekend everyone. Hope it's hot like Portugal was...but I think only Portugal is hot like Portugal was...and remember that some sunscreen is better than none, and even if you've applied, apply every time you expose new skin...Katherine...!

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