this month we've been testing and have LOVED bulletproof!

Upgraded Coffee

Saturday, June 28

things your mother told you.

When I was walking home from the gym today a huge wave of nostalgia overtook me and it was very strange.  In the middle of London with planes flying overhead every 45 seconds I had a sudden whiff of caragana.  For those of you that don't know what it is, it's commonly used for windbreaks on farms in Canada...and it stinks.  Really, badly smells.  Like dead rotting meat left out and then peed on. Yuck.  

So anyways, I discovered it alongside the entrance to the walkway that leads up to the front doors of the gym and why I haven't smelled it before today I'm not too sure.  Maybe because it was hot and sunny and I was open to the smell?...but it brought back memories of a polyester red dress that my grandma made me, my Papa's mustard yellow trousers and riding sidesaddle in the hot dusty combine when I was too big to be riding sidesaddle but no big enough to ride in it alone. Then a (huge, loud and very 2008) plane passed overhead and I was brought back to the cars and Chelsea tractors I was faced with as I dodged the A316 and all the part-time weekend warriors making their way home after trying their hand at a cycle along the outer reaches of Greater London...and then the weekly run to Tesco's.

Hamish and I went out to the Green or a bit of sun after lunch and oh man, it was a lovely day.
Dare I say summer is here- if only briefly?

I was also reminded as I was gazing at the sun...and feeling a bit of a burn...about my mum. things she's told me, gentle words of wisdom and of course he inevitable 'I told you so's'- but my mum doesn't ever say that, she always sympathises and listens and agrees and we end up talking for an hour about the baby robin that fell out of the tree, the illegal picking of cherries at midnight in the orchard across the road and a recipe for 'the best' tomato salsa.  Of course, I never write the recipe down but that's not the point of the conversation now, is it? I remembered today the first time I really 'sunbathed' and used baby oil.  I was so red it must've been quite the sight, but mum just got out the aloe vera gel and ran a cool bath.  Or the time I crashed her car after sneezing.  The car was a write off (of course my dad fixed it!!!) and she never said anything.  My dad silently fumed about his insurance premium for the next 15 years though!  Or when I traded that same car in for my Jeep.  They were away at the time- and mum just hopped in for a ride when they got home.  I think dad quietly liked it...but not after it sat in their front yard for three years when I decided to move to New Zealand!  It was a unique lawn ornament for sure.  Anyways, I know that in a week on my birthday, as she always does, mum will ring me describing (over the years in diminishing detail) about the hours of labour, the silent doggedness of child rearing as a single parent and the pain when your only child ventures out of the nest.  And how much further could I have gone- to New Zealand! and then LONDON! Arugh, ungrateful child!  Oh well, she's go no choice now, does she? Maybe this all makes up for the hideous white and multi-coloured polka dot polyester pants she made me wear, the time she took me to get my eyebrows waxed (and they never grew back) and- well, I can't think of an 'and'.  She's been pretty good with her passing on of tried and tested- although I do think my bum looks big in 'that'.

soppy, those bloody caraganas.


Okay, IF you were doing your daily skincare routine and perhaps found a few semi-long black hairs on your chin does that make you a Grumpy Old Lady?

thank goodness I found them before Haim did- he would never let me live it down. They have since been eradicated - but now the never ending cycle begins: check, check again, get the magnifying mirror out, check again and PLUCK. Might have to think seriously about laser hair removal now. Apparently if you go in for one area (eg. legs) they will do a few hairs from your chin at the same tome, no extra cost. Hmmm. Have only HEARD that, mind. Haven't investigated for myself- maybe I will have to now.

With only a few days before my birthday I am feeling officially OLD. At least I am not the bearded lady- yet. Will have to check the family history on women with hairy faces- when did they start shaving?!

It's sunny out today with a bit of wind- but nice enough to contemplate a picnic on the grass and a bit of vitamin D...finally!

Friday, June 27


oh, I've been slack this week. Blame it on my sore back, lack of sun and Wimbledon. I decided that I would get outside more this week- walking, maybe ride my bike along the Thames Path and perhaps just to lie on the Green in the sun. Well. I went outside every time I went to the gym. I was outside when I went grocery shopping. I went outside when I swept the entrance to the flat and I was outside for most of yesterday when I went into town on a mission for Haim. Not much sun this week- well, for the sun-worshippers amongst us anyways; I went for a lovely long walk along the Thames Path towards Chiswick on Monday and sat for a while watching the cricketers at Old Deer Park. It was wonderful to sit in the sun and soak up some vitamin D until I smelled something a bit funky. Dog shit. Now why is it that most people can scoop it up but there's always that ONE who refuses to- as if their life is not affected by it. Well, why don't they let their dogs crap at home then? Not in a communal space designed for children and adults to use for recreation and leisure. Something needs to be done about these slack pooper-scoopers! I am on a mission now. Don't quite know what I'll do if I see someone not scooping but I usually stare long and hard at them and (I hope, I think- as a result of this tactic) I recently witnessed the resident homeless guy on the Green scooping. Success. Albeit a past success!

So my decision to get outside this week worked (even if there wasn't too much sun) and as I was out today I got caught out in a 10-minute downpour. It was in a moment of sheer London madness that I didn't take my umbrella into Richmond when I went out today (well, the sun was out, blue sky above and it was looking pretty promising). I ended up with wind-blown hair highlighted with leaves and stringy wet bits as I walked into the bank, people inside tut-tutting knowingly. I figured it was good for my soul to be wet and make-up free on a Friday afternoon in town. Upon returning home I discovered that my top had the remains of lunch planted on the front as well. cool.

Hamish spent the day at Wimbledon rubbing elbows with tennis players behind the scene but I just got to watch it on tv. Something gets lost in the translation I think!

Anyways, I am dedicated to finishing stuff off this weekend- but first finding the excellent wee scissors that mum sent and I've put somewhere 'special' so I won't lose them...I've done the inevitable and can't find them anywhere! Honestly, for those of you that have been to my home recently you will know that everything has a place and a place everything has- so where these scissors have hidden themselves is a mystery...

Oh, I forgot. The Grumpy Old Ladies show was pretty good. Emma offered to pay for my ticket if I didn't laugh...but I did. A lot of what they were saying struck close to home and although I wouldn't consider myself 'Grumpy' was true, so true. More than anything it highlighted the eternal plight of women everywhere, no matter what their social standing or age. These three women were great at making it quite succinct and humorous to even the men in the audience. We all have to pick up socks, put the toilet seat down and wait in vain for the slightest romantic gesture from our snoring-cursing-sports-loving-testosterone-filled-hungry-
tired-and-(of course) overworked-man.

Monday, June 23

Monday evening.

...I still have a sore back, I'm still 'English pasty white' (not much sun lately!) and I'm still not working a regular job. That said, I have decided to say 'yes' to my friends and do things I might not normally do, even if I'm not too sure what those things are. Tonight Emma and I are off the 200m across the Green to the Richmond Theatre to see Grumpy Old Women. Not having followed the British tv scene, and hence not knowing most famous faces that I see on our street on a daily basis, I am going to the show tonight quite blind- although apparently it's supposed to be really funny and Emma is wetting her pants about it...we'll see!

It's actually quite nice not knowing who the famous people are that I pass by; I'm sure if I did I would follow them home and there would be several restraining orders out on me!...although I would not classify myself as a stalker, I think we all have those tendencies when it comes to people we 'think we know but don't'- people we've seen on tv, in movies and those whom we listen to on the radio. I can remember being a bit starstruck when I first came to London and saw both Matthew Perry and Hank Azaria walking out of the Ritz. I admit, I did follow them- (from the opposite side of the road at least) but was a bit let down when they walked normally, passed people on the street and carried bags of their own groceries. Where were the PA's and the huge entourage that 'all famous people' are supposed to have?! No where near the Ritz that day. I came home and told Hamish- BIG mistake. I thought he would have the coppers onto me that night. He told me to leave them in peace and I now understand that. Peace. Ahhhhh.

Anyways, Emma is almost here and I need slap some lippy on so I at least have colourful lips. Will add the review later.

Monday, June 16

a pain in the ___!

been busy not being busy these past few days. Woke up with a sore back the other day (which I have been trying to 'ignore')- but it finally came to a head yesterday. Haim worked on it yesterday which made it even more sore (an 'owwwwwwwwww' massage instead of an 'ahhhhhhhhhhh' massage) - so I am waiting for it to allow me to move normally again and bend at the waist instead of at the knee. Luckily I don't have much on this week...yet...

Saturday, June 14


so I DID go to the Sweet sample sale (I think it was the smallest store front ever!) but there was loads of lovely stuff and I managed a bit of self-restraint by only getting 5 pieces- and bargains they were! I splashed out a measly £15 on a £65 quilt and then picked up a few bits for gifts (what better time to get them?!). I saw this quilt a few months ago but knew (know?) that Haim would rather perish than have it on 'his' bed!...luckily I just got the single so it will be an accessory instead of the main feature- maybe he'll not even notice it! Truly, I'm not that hopeful but a woman can dream...

Hamish is going to watch the rugby with a client (friend?) this morning so I think I might brave the charity shop in Hampton today- and ride my freecycle bicycle instead of taking the bus...a 5 mile cycle along the Thames (for some of the way)...which requires a 5 mile bike ride along the Thames (some of the way) back! Hmmm. Only if it stays sunny.

Friday, June 13

back into it?

Ohhh, Friday the 13th. Haven't had one of these for a while.

After being vigilant and posting almost everyday, I had a wee break last week when Haim was on holiday. I was busy making stuff for several friends and their babies and I needed to rest my pin-pricked fingers and typing was not on the menu!

Hamish arrived home looking like he'd been on a deserted island for several weeks- well tanned and muscles twitching from surfing for 10 days straight! So it's back to our regular life, sleeping at normal times, cooking (read: making regular meals that aren't just salad and carrots) and doing what I call the 'man follow'- picking up all the bits of flotsam that seem to flow from him as he moves through the house, too small and insignificant for him to notice...maybe doesn't notice isn't the correct word? Some men seem to be able to walk over towels, socks and dishes until they can no longer move or need to find something they think might be buried under the perhaps it's can't notice- or refuses to notice? oh well, one day I will have a cleaner again. The thing is, our place is usually quite tidy so he's having re-learning to pick up after himself!

Today it's the sample sale for Sweet - I think it's their first one so there will be lots of stuff and lots of bargains. Haven't been to the shops for ages- especially the charity shops! One of the main reasons is- well, my favourite charity shop has been cleaned up. The manager that was there for years recently left and the new management have decided that they need order. We charity shoppers know that order is the worst thing that can happen to one's favourite shop! No more burrowing into the linen basket, pulling designer bags from the shoe bin and all the skirts and tops are on hangers with TAGS!!! Arugh! Will venture into the shops along New Kings Road in Fulham after the Sweet sale today. Fingers crossed.

Thursday, June 12

...more informative London signs

Went into town today to farewell a friend who is returning home after 6 years in London- and I had to pee. Luckily for me, public loos in town are relatively abundant and I had no problems finding one- which also had a word or three of helpful advice on the wall tile 'just in case'. Ew.

I couldn't resist (obviously) as I thought these sorts of public health notices are no longer in vogue- and I think I am still right in that assumption as the phone number on the tile is desperately out of date. Sleep easy knowing that the City of Westminster is looking out for your venereal health.

Friday, June 6


I've finished all that I've started these past few days. Everyone seems to be so busy with life- I've been busy trying to get a life. The sun has been shining and it's been so lovely these past few days and I've been enjoying the Green and the gym and waking up to see the new sunny day.

I've finished this montage of beasts (front and backs
below) and think I will take a break for a few days...I've got houseplants to re-pot, herbs to sow and a proper tidy-up of the other unidentifiable stuff in pots outside that I've abandoned over the winter (and the snow, rain and grey days that followed).

Thursday, June 5

London streets

you know how some place names have hidden meanings? Their historical origins and the events that took place in the areas are often reflected in town, street and village names. I wonder what happened here?

Wednesday, June 4

swingin' London town

Was a bit scared to wake up yesterday as I went to bed with the room spinning (well, a little bit) and a tummy recently full of wonderful Hoegaarden bière blanche. On Monday I had been in town for an interview and afterwards caught up with Cliff for a few cold beverages...strangely, I didn't see any of the sights I usually see when I'm in town. No twins, no freaks, no geeks...except myself. After a short diversion into Chinatown I saw Cliff safely onto the bus, walked back to the tube through and extremely quiet Leicester Square (see photo) and got back home with no (self-inflicted) incidents. Didn't trip, didn't introduce myself to strangers and didn't start speaking French to the person sitting opposite me on the tube. I did get a bad case of the giggles though- but not enough for anyone to think it was unusual. Just another Monday in town.

Great to see Cliff, let my hair down for a few hours and have a night out.

Tuesday, June 3

some words to live by...

''Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.''
-Lin Yutang

(I must admit that this is only part of the quote proper but I thought it apt; yes, although I am currently committed to finishing everything I start, I can rest easy knowing that not finishing is of equal nobility.
Sometimes finishing is hard. It is hard to wrap things up and send them in the post. Hard to entrust things to strangers who will deliver them to their intended; hard to know when to start again).

Monday, June 2

cups and saucers

what can I say about this...the best charity shop buy of the week?! I saw it on the rack, glupped and grabbed it. Yep, I really grabbed it. There was no one else around but I was determined. When I took it up to the counter to pay the lady laughed and asked if I 'would wear it for tea?'. Ho ho ho, I was laughing too, because it only cost me £3 (for those of you that need reminding, this is from Orla Kiely)!

take your own bags!

I unearthed this Cath Kidston material when I was doing the shift from boxes to 'fabric file' the other day and decided to use it for a new bag. Nothing beats a new bag! I didn't use a pattern, just freestyled it and this is the result - straps are a bit short so some fine tuning might be in order if I ever feel the urge...I don't at the moment! Girls, enjoy your bags.

Sunday, June 1

Welcome June, bring on the (English) summer!

If April showers bring May flowers what do May downpours bring? more flowers? bugs? snails? ants and spiders seeking shelter? yep, all of the aforementioned are aplenty on Portland Terrace. Bringing in the first day of a new month was sun till 7:30am followed by a light cloud cover- although enough to block both the sun and the blue sky I know is up there- for the rest of the day? Hmm, time will tell but I would put money on it being a still, humid and grey day today. It's nice and cool inside so I think I will sew bunting, sew kittys and hunker down inside for the remainder of the weekend.

fabric file

Dressed up, make-up on and a swagger in my step I went to the College and bravely asked if I could have the trolly. After telling me I could have the coveted trolly, the secretary was a bit more cunning than I and called the caretaker to double check. He said no. Fair enough, nothing ventured, nothing gained. It only cost me the 2 minute walk and a bit of mascara!

So after digging through several boxes, bags and suitcases (again) to find a piece of fabric for a quilt I am making for baby Dylan, I finally decided to take the plunge and get a proper system! I don't have a dedicated room that I can leave me crafting stuff laying about in so I knew I needed something on wheels. £28 lighter I left Ikea, and here is what I got:

I had a good sort out too, now I just need to use it all...but does one ever use it all?

Clémence and I spent the day choosing, cutting and sewing fabric for her wedding bunting. It was such a calm and easy day together and I was pleased I could help her (in a small way) with her wedding day preparation...there's more to make so it will be a project for the rest of the week while Haim is away and I have some time in between normal daily life!